Theoretical Analysis of the SIRVVD Model for Insights Into the Target Rate of COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Japan, Yuto Omae, Makoto Sasaki, Jun Toyotani, Kazuyuki Hara, Hirotaka Takahashi, IEEE Access, Vol.10,
pp.43044-43054, 2022
The effectiveness of the first dose of vaccination for COVID-19 is different from that of the second dose; therefore, in several studies, various mathematical models that can represent the states of the first and second vaccination doses have been developed. Using the results of these studies and considering the effects of the first and second vaccination doses, we can simulate the spread of infectious diseases. The susceptible-infected-recovered-vaccination1-vaccination2-death (SIRVVD) model is one of the proposed mathematical models; however, it has not been sufficiently theoretically analyzed. Therefore, we obtained an analytical expression for the number of infected persons by considering the numbers of susceptible and vaccinated persons as parameters. We used the solution to determine the target vaccination rate for decreasing the infection numbers of the COVID-19 Delta variant (B.1.617) in Japan. Furthermore, we investigated the target vaccination rates for cases with strong or weak variants by comparing with the COVID-19 Delta variant (B.1.617). This study contributes to the mathematical development of the SIRVVD model and provides insights into the target vaccination rate for decreasing the number of infections.
Universal Criticality in Reservoir Computing Using Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Daisuke Uragami and Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Complex Systems, Vol.31 No.1, pp.103–121, 2022
Elementary cellular automata (ECAs) generate critical spacetime patterns in a few local rules, which are expected to have advantages in reservoir computing (RC). However, previous studies have not revealed the advantages of critical spacetime patterns in RC. In this paper, we focus on the distractor’s length in the time series data for learning and clarify the advantages of the critical spacetime patterns. Furthermore, we propose asynchronously tuned ECAs (AT_ECAs) to generate universally critical spacetime patterns in many local rules. Based on the results achieved in this study, we propose RC based on AT_ECAs. Moreover, we show that the universal criticality of AT_ECAs is effective for learning time series data.
Node-perturbation Learning Applied for Soft-committee Machine Kazuyuki Hara, Kentaro Katahira2, and Masato Okada
Information Processing Society of Japan, Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Vol.13 No.2 pp. 61–68 (Aug. 2020)
Node-perturbation learning is an online stochastic gradient descent method for neural networks. It esti-mates the gradient of the error surface by calculating the change in error between the perturbed output and the non-perturbed output. Node-perturbation can be applied to problems where the objective function is not defined. Node-perturbation
learning is applied to only a simple perceptron, so we explore the application of node perturbation learning to a multilayer neural network called a soft committee machine and analyze the dynamic properties of the learning process. We conduct computer analysis to show the validity of the proposed method.
Analysis of Conventional Dropout and its Application to Group Dropout, Kazuyuki Hara, Daisuke Saitoh, Satoshi Suzuki, Takumi Kondou, and Hayaru Shono, Information Processing Society of Japan, Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications, Vol.10, No.2, pp.25-32, 2017.
Conference paper:
Analysis of function of rectified linear unit used in deep learning, Kazuyuki Hara, Daisuke Saitoh, and Hayaru Shono, Proceedings of International Joint Conference of Neural Networks 2015, 2015.
深層学習では多くの層が用いられますが、層の数が増えると誤差逆伝播を行うための情報が消える、勾配の消失という問題があります。それに対してReLU(Rectified Linear Unit)を用いることが有効であり、深層学習では標準的な活性化関数となっております。本論文ではReLUを用いることによって深層学習の収束が高速化される、という主張について、理由を明らかにしました。論文ではReLUの線型部分が高速性に有効なこと、特にプラトーを抜ける速度が高速化されることを明らかにしました。
A Novel Deep Learning Optimization Algorithm for Human Motions Anomaly Detection, Yuto Omae, Masaya Mori, Takuma Akiduki, Hirotaka Takahashi, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol.15, no.1, pp.199-208, 2019.
Data Mining for Discovering Effective Time-Series Transition of Learning Strategies on Mutual Viewing-Based Learning, Yuto Omae, Tatsuro Furuya, Kazutaka Mizukoshi, Takayuki Oshima, et al., Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, vol.22. no.7, 1046-1055, 2018.
人工知能によるトレーニング運動の質判定に向けた慣性センサ装着箇所の検討, 大前佑斗, 伊藤浩志, 相原伸平, 宍戸英彦, 松本実, 田村尚之, 中川康二, 櫻井義久, 第13回JISSスポーツ科学会議 オリンピック・パラリンピックとスポーツ医・科学 〜RioそしてTokyoへ〜, 2016.
ソフトウェア開発のAIによる品質管理, 豊谷純, 村田大治, 情報処理学会第80回全国大会 講演論文集, 2B-02, 2018.
AIによる店舗の自動グループ分け問題, 豊谷純, 渡邊昭廣, 若林敬造, 日本情報ディレクトリ学会第22回全国大会 研究報告予稿集, pp.19-20, 2018.